
See My Strong is a diversity and inclusion fitness platform hosted on Instagram. Created by Poorna Bell in 2019, it was initially to offer an alternative narrative to the narrow ideals of mainstream fitness. The platform offers a mixture of personal stories of girls, women and non-binary people who chart and talk about their fitness journeys and relationship with their bodies from a number of different intersections and backgrounds including body size, race, age, mental health, sexual orientation, ability, religion and more. It also occasionally features athletes and is anti-diet, creating a space for people to make their own choices, whatever that might be. The entire motivation and goal of See My Strong is to create a community where people feel reflected, as well as be inspired to start a journey of fitness, reconnect with it, or continue with it in a way that creates joy in movement and peace in their own bodies.

Members of the community report a sense of better mental wellbeing as a result of engaging with a broader fitness community, and the platform is monitored carefully by Poorna to create a sense of safety and belonging.

If you’d like to submit your fitness story, please DM Poorna through the See My Strong Instagram page. Unfortunately we don’t accept body transformation stories, or businesses trying to promote themselves. The page is not monetised either.